Elements of Quality management system: An overview

Quality management system (QMS) is the linking system between customer requirement and customer satisfactions. Universal goal of quality system is the consistent manufacturing of safe and effective products.

Quality management system
Quality management system

As per ICH Q10 : management responsibility,
Continual improvement of process performance, continual improvement of product
quality and continual improvement of pharmaceutical quality system via
management review are the key components of the pharmaceutical
quality management system.

are the Elements of Quality management system?

management system
is having four arms by which it runs; each part having
similar king of Impact on the development and run of Quality management system.

  • Management
  • Resource
  • Product
  • Measurement,
    analysis and improvement


Management responsibility is one of the essential elements of
Quality management system,
WHO says Quality management system
should facilitate senior management / Top management to achieve quality
objectives set by the management in the form of quality policy.

is responsibility of top management of the firm to manage the design, Implementation and management of the quality system, with the combination of
good manufacturing practices and good business practices.

✅ Leadership
should show strong and visible support for the quality system and ensure its
implementation throughout the organization.

✅ Organizational structure is important to identify the
problems and apply the rectifications.

✅ Quality
system building is required to ensure the compliance with the good
manufacturing regulations developed by the various regulatory authorities; this
includes Change procedure, Document control procedure, scientifically sound and
appropriate written controls for Operating procedures, Test specification,

✅ Establishment
of policies and procedures to run the quality system is the best way to
articulate the vision on management towards quality to all levels of the organization. 

✅ A strong commitment to quality is required by the management in the
organization that could be defined as a
Quality Policy.

✅ Management
review system; any system seeks a robust review system to run effectively and
adequately. Hence, for an effective quality system it is required to review
performance of the system by top management with a planned schedule. 

✅ Management
quality system review strategy should includes; Product review, process review,
customer requirement.

Metrics data evaluation can be the best way to review the Quality system by the
management; FDA (US) published Draft guidance on the same 
Learn More..

Quality management system review is required?

of quality system benefits to the quality

🅰 To
improve the quality system.

🅱 To
improve manufacturi
ng process and products as per the customer and regulatory

🅲 Rearrangement
of the resources.


allocation and management helps to develop a Quality Management system with the established quality goals and to
run quality system complying the good manufacturing practice regulations.

    🔅    Sufficient
    resource should be allocated for quality system and operational activities.

    🔅    Skilled
    personals are the backbone of quality system, personals those are part of the
    quality system should be qualifies to perform the operations those are
    allocated to them.

    🔅    Identification
    and selection of the personal should be done based on their scientific and
    technical knowledge, technical understanding, and product and process

    🔅    Continued
    training is critical component to ensure that the employee remain proficient
    with respect to the current Good Manufacturing practices requirements. Training
    should be focused on function specific and related regulatory requirements.

    🔅    Facility
    and equipment are the main technical resources of an organization as well as
    for quality management system.

    🔅    Technical
    resources also includes technical man power like engineers, development
    scientists etc. those understand the technical problems, risk factors and the
    manufacturing process related to the products.

    🔅    Technical
    resource like facility, equipment should be qualified, calibrated, cleaned and
    well maintained as well, this is important for the intended product identity,
    strength, quality and purity.


    is having responsibility to review the product and its performance over the time
    of periods;

    🔅    A
    product developed by the manufacturer should define / introduced from the
    design stage to delivery stage. Process of designing includes development of
    the product and process which should be documented in terms of responsibility
    for designing or changing products.

    🔅    Quality
    management system
    documentation of the products includes its life history as well, i.e.
    designing, development, manufacturing, Quality controls, monitoring, validation,
    Product stability, packaging, Storage, product distribution etc. QMS approach
    starts from the starting material to end product. Input material examination
    also includes supplier verification along with the supplied material quality.

    🔅    Each
    and every material being used for the manufacturing of the product is having
    significant amount of impact on the quality of the end product. Hence, Quality
    of the input material must be in-line to the product or process requirement
    designed during the development.

    🔅    Various
    Regulatory Agencies all over the world
    suggest Supplier qualification and
    periodic audit of supplier. An audit should also include a systematic
    examination of the supplier’s quality system to ensure that reliability is

    🔅    In
    a robust quality system, production and process controls should be designed to
    ensure that the finished products have the identity, strength, quality, and
    purity they purport or are represented to possess.

    🔅    Process
    performance need to be monitored during the manufacturing with the established
    manufacturing process. Under a quality system, written procedures should be
    followed and deviations from them should be justified and documented to ensure
    that the manufacturer can trace the history of the product.

    🔅    Discrepancies
    may be detected during any stage of the process or during quality control
    activities. Not all discrepancies will result in product defects; however, it
    is important to document and handle discrepancies appropriately.

    🔅    A
    discrepancy investigation process is critical when a discrepancy is found that
    affects product quality. Hence, it is important to acknowledge the non

    process could be helpful to the management for the review of product, process
    performance over the time of periods.

    process for Continual improvement of process performance

    parameters are there to ensure the continual improvement of the process like;

    🔅    Quality
    Management system

    approaches defined continually monitoring trends and improving systems. This
    can be achieved by monitoring data and information, identifying and resolving
    problems, and anticipating and preventing problems. Trending analyses can help
    focus internal audits.

    🔅    Internal audit at
    planned intervals is required to evaluate effective implementation and
    maintenance of the quality system. Effective decision-making in a quality
    systems environment is based on an informed understanding of quality issues.

    🔅    Elements
    of risk should be considered relative to intended use of a product. Risk
    management is used as a tool in the
    management system
    for development of product specifications and critical
    process parameters.

    🔅      Corrective
    can be taken for system / process improvement with respect to the
    identified risk. It is essential to determine what actions will reduce the
    likelihood of a problem recurring.

    🔅    Preventive
    should be evaluated and recorded, and the system should be monitored for
    the effectiveness of the action. Problems can be anticipated and their
    occurrence prevented by reviewing data and analyzing risks associated with
    operational and quality system processes, and by keeping abreast of changes in
    scientific developments and regulatory requirements.

    of the Quality Management System (QMS) approaches as defined in the various
    regulatory agencies may help to get the desired quality of the product as well
    it helps to achieve the goal i.e. “Customer Satisfaction” as per the “Customer

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